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Self-paced Foundations Course

There are 4 modules that you can access for 12 months starting from the day you enrolled in the course. Each module is composed of readings, multimedia files, downloadable PDF files, and concept-checking quizzes. They are designed in a way to guide you through the stages of concept development.  

At the end of each module, there will be a space for discussions and reflections. You are encouraged to complete the materials independently and engage with your peers through the unfacilitated discussion boards. Please note that no feedback will be given for Self-paced Course participants, however our facilitators might occasionally jump into the discussions.

This is a non-facilitated online course. We encourage you to post comments to the forums and request or provide feedback to your peers. This will nurture a collective and collaborative learning environment for everyone. 

You will be awarded a number of credits for each course you completed on time. Green Educators Course Credits translate roughly into the hours committed to the practice of becoming a Green Educator. GEC Certificates are granted to those who have completed 100 credits of courses, including the Final Project. For more details, check out the Certification page

Blended Foundations Course

There will be 5 modules (including the final project) spread out over 5 – 10 weeks. Ideally, you should dedicate around 6 hours per week. Each module is composed of readings, multimedia files, downloadable PDF files, and concept-checking quizzes. You are encouraged to complete the materials independently before moving on to the next module. Every week/two weeks, we will release a new module for you to discover. The Course Roadmap & Schedule is a suggestion to help you plan your time and keep up with the other participants. The course is designed in a way for you to absorb and reflect on ideas on learnings, individually and as a group, rather than to be sped through quickly.

Each module will be followed by a 1.5 hour synchronous online workshop where we come together to apply the concepts and skills we have learned in the past module. When you complete a module in the platform, there will be a space for discussions and reflections. Enjoy reading and learning at your own pace but we recommend you to accomplish the modules before the date of each webinar. Review the Course Roadmap & Schedule to plan your time throughout the course.

You will receive personalized feedback on your final project. Please note that no feedback will be given after the due date. We also encourage you to post comments to the forums and  provide feedback to your peers. This will nurture a collective and collaborative learning environment for everyone. 

Your journals and participation on the discussion boards would be visible to your group cohort and facilitators. They are not accessible to anyone beyond this group. However, Green Educators may feature students’ final projects in the program for future students, including and not limited to our network, website and social media channels. This will be done with permission and consent from the students. 

We are shifting our courses to a less coercive model of engagement, counting more on the intrinsic motivation and professional desire of educators to engage around wall-less education. With this in mind, the criteria for Green Educators Foundations Credits are: 

  • Participation in 3 of the 5 workshops (opening webinar is not included) 
  • On time submission of the final project 

You will be awarded a number of credits for each course you complete on time. Green Educators Course Credits translate roughly into the hours committed to the practice of becoming a Green Educator. GEC Certificates are granted to those who have completed 100 credits of courses, including the Final Project. For more details, check out the Certification page

Online Course - General Information

After you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Green Educators Network to connect with your peers and access course content. Moving onwards, any important information will be sent through the network and you’ll get notified. 

The course will stay open for 12 months from the day you enrolled in the course. Afterwards, you will continue to be part of the Green Educators Network and stay connected with the Green Educators team, participants and alumni. 

Be sure to regularly check on the Green Educators Network to get updates on articles, events, job opportunities, and much more.

The Green Educators Course focuses on educators and school administrators, however, we welcome with open arms any green education enthusiasts who are interested and passionate to learn more about educating for sustainability.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

  • Program-related inquiries:
  • Technical Support: