A global community of Green Educators
Create connections that go beyond the classroom. Meet purpose-driven educators, like you, that are out to change education.
Our community is there to help you as you expand your teaching horizons. And, when your ready, it will be there to support you in finding ways to create a sustainable change within your education circle.
Together, we work on truly achieving a global change across our education system.

Stories & Thoughts from Green Educators

An Education that Honours the Spirit and Captures the Gifts of Childhood
Children are naturally hungry to learn, and yet our conventional education system turns learning into work – a compulsory task decided by someone else, to be most often done sitting still and being quiet. Not only that, it uses extrinsic motivations like rewards and punishments, praise and grades, to manipulate children’s behaviour and make them feel bad for resisting their teacher’s instructions or ‘not being good enough’.

There Are No Barriers to Systems Thinking
This presentation is part of the Green Educators Foundations Course final project. He believes that in order to make progress with any Global Literacy / Competency, we first need to target the ‘root’ or the bottom of the iceberg. Systems thinking needs to become a lens in which to view all the other competencies. The Green Educator course has helped Michael to spark a deeper understanding of this idea and the double loop mental models and other tools linked to the Compassionate Systems Framework. It is a pedagogy, rather than anything content-based, that he tries to unpack in this video with a specific contextualised example of his Chinese High School.

The Sustainability Shake Up
Evanthia’s idea started with having a day ‘off timetable’ for a small group of students. She brought her class to visit a sustainable business in the morning and then students decided how they would spent the remainder of the day – without any plan prepared beforehand. The students said that they should ‘shake things up’ more often and visit more sustainable businesses in London and so this has inspired her ‘Sustainability Shake Up’ pitch for the Green Educators Foundations Course final project!
Community Talks & Live Sessions

From Limitations to Possibilities - What the last 12 Months Taught Us
Join our members of Green School Bali faculty in a conversation on what they have learned and are still learning about the last 12 months as we were forced to slow down and listen to nature’s call. It has been challenging and eye-opening at the same time. In this talk, Green School Bali Educators will share takeaway ideas and practical tips on how to find opportunities in the limitations of today, giving a new approach to education and its future.

Nature as a Classroom
Ram has traveled the length and breadth of India since his middle school days to photo-document its natural and cultural heritage. This 16-year journey taught him human values, environment conservation, and citizen action. He believes that ‘nature is a classroom’. Through photographs and short video clips, he will take us on a journey from the rainforests of the Western Ghats Mountains to the high peaks of the Himalayas, and along the River Ganges to remote corners of India’s far North East. These will be connected to ways children can take part to nurture a sustainable planet for us (which includes forests and wildlife), and for our future generations.

Parenting Through a Cultural Lens
This talk is designed to allow parents a chance to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting while learning some tips and strategies for how to navigate these years. In order to facilitate discussion, parents will be grouped to share values and beliefs about social, emotional, and academic learning as well as future goals. There will be a time to brainstorm future goals and discussions.